Never Play Cat and Mouse With Vampires - Chapter 3 - BlueMoon_13_31 (2024)

Chapter Text

It was not often Moon found himself so lost. Among them, Eclipse was definitely the most assured in everything he did, but Moon held a special confidence all his own. He would be the first to admit his arrogance, though he always followed it up with some reason or another about why he was due such pride.

This time, however, it kept sinking him further and further into trouble. Moon's ability to spot the slightest tick, pick up on the unspoken, was particularly keen in comparison to his solar kin. Sun loved to study the small things, Eclipse cared more for a larger picture, while Moon noted it all. It's what made it so easy to decipher your subtle retreats, the lowering and raising of your guard. You preferred to focus on the simple parts of yourself, nothing personal. When Eclipse had mentioned your distrustful behavior after dismissing him from the room, Moon was ready to jump into the fray that instant.

Surprisingly the (normally) most patient of the vampire brothers, Moon could only hold back for so long, especially with someone he cares for. If there was a threat to you, it needed to be eliminated. Hiding it only put you in more danger. Moon understood why Sun and Eclipse had advised him against pressing the issue too soon, but something in the lunar creature of the night told him that this needed addressing, fast, and he had never been one to ignore his gut feelings.

He hadn't intended for you to keep believing they were playing some sort of game with you. It had become obvious to him afterwards that he could have worded things a bit better when confronting you, came at it from the angle of his genuine worry. It was frustrating to dance around your continual dodging, though, your efforts to avoid certain topics obvious to even Eclipse, whom usually was the worst at reading a room. That honor had gone to Moon today, unfortunately.

Stalking through the forest, struggling to get his mind off the events of yesterday, Moon gives anything that crosses his path a death glare, sending animals fleeing and causing plants to wither with his aura alone. Eclipse had suggested a hunt to help calm his frustration, but it was doing nothing to combat his annoyance. The thought of eating didn't hold much appeal for him, for once.

Sighing, Moon finds himself stopped before the river, near the very spot he had carried you to when traveling to your abode. He could still perfectly recall the curve of your muscles and frame pressed close, the skip of your heart from the intimate position. It had taken quite a bit of self control to not nuzzle and tease you the whole way there.

Staring at his reflection, Moon lingers on your fury from yesterday, everything you had said. In a way, he understood your fears. It was rather peculiar to him as well how fast they had latched onto you. The effort to catch you had, at first, indeed been a bit of a game between the brothers. A bet, almost, on who could get to you first.

You'd proven too crafty, however. No matter how fast they were, no matter how soon they spotted you, the instant they would approach, it would be like you had never been there in the first place. It was irritating at first, but the vexation had quickly turned to intrigue, proceeding to dive head first into infatuation. While they could never get close, they could still observe you from a distance. You must have been aware of it, ever careful when traversing through the trees, ready to go back into hiding at any second.

In the rare moments of you not being consumed by the need for stealth, they had witnessed you perform such endearing actions. Helping a dying flower get sunlight, freeing a snake from one of your snares and taking it to safety, idly weaving a crown of ferns that you'd ultimately sent drifting down the river after a strange moment of quietly staring at it. They'd even been lucky enough to see you having what seemed to be some sort of picnic, or at least that's what it looked like at first glance. You had eaten a small basket of berries, fruit, and jerky, then spent a good hour scattering seeds along the riverbank. To this day, a variety of flowers and herbs grew, one season to another, drawing in animals large and small. Not to mention your skill as a hunter. How easily you understood the ebb and flow of both sides of nature, much like Moon, was certainly one of his biggest draws to you.

It would make sense their over eagerness to keep you shocked you. There was no telling quite yet how long you had been alone, and you were clearly under the impression they sought you to make you into a meal. Moon would not deny he was very much for that idea, but not in the way you pictured. At least, not entirely. Sadly, the nuances of a relationship past the ones he had with his brothers evaded him. He'd never needed anyone else besides them, until you appeared, a phantom in the night. It was easy to get Sun and Eclipse to talk to him, cause of course they would. Your private, weary nature threw him for a loop, though.

Moon needed to understand you better. It drive him mad that he couldn't. Sun came up with an effective way to do that, but Moon had made it blow up in their faces. Perhaps...perhaps he should apologize, one on one. He knew his brothers wouldn't approve, but the guilt beginning to gnaw at him, driving his ire to spiral, wouldn't let him move on til he properly spoke to you about it. Besides, maybe it would put you more at ease if it was just one of them instead of all three.

Decided, Moon begins the trip upriver. He keeps an even pace, giving himself extra time to gather his thoughts for what he wants to say. Mumbling under his breath, he goes through various starters, attempting to mince his words together for them to be as sincere as possible.

"...and I just think, no, that won't work," he grouses, stopping abruptly in the bushes near where the barrier began.

There was someone else here, cloak shielding their form.

Every part of him was screaming in a literal millisecond. Who the hell was that by your shield? What were they doing to it? How had none of them heard another intruder enter their domain?

The appearance of a second individual, also cloaked, hard-locked him into a feral panic. There was only one person who had slipped by them throughout their centuries of life. Did you know these people? Did they have similar tricks?

With the way the first was fiddling with the barrier, strings of magic lashing about, runes glitching and vanishing, his gut told him no. Absolutely not.

Shoving down his urge to attack first, ask later, he listened in from the shadows of the foliage.

"Any luck?" the second person asks.

The first gives a scathing look. "Do you have to ask such stupid questions? This godsdamned thing is a pain in my ass. It's a miracle Lily and I could pry it open the first time. Ransacking the cabin might have to wait for another day. This thing is getting really antsy. I don't have any desire to know what it'll do if we keep pushing. f*cking dreamscape magic, unpredictable as sh*t."

The second scoffs. "Geez, someone is grouchy. Upset you didn't get to be part of the group that took down the Guardian?" they ask, flashing a smirk under their hood.

Frost crept, unbidden, from beneath Moon's feet. The temperature plunged, and he watched them both shiver, pulling their coverings closer like they thought it was a matter of the wind.

It took everything Moon had to not growl, instead letting loose a giggle which set them immediately on edge.

"...What the f-," the first one began, but Moon interrupts them sharply.

"Well, well. Little trespassers on our land. Whatever are you talking about?" he questions, sticking to the shadows to unnerve them more before striking.

Leaping to their feet, the first abandons their work on the barrier, which seals up the instant they stop. "Who's there?!" he shouts, both getting into a stance, ready to fight, black aura gleaming on their fingertips. Moon can't help laugh again, circling them like a vulture, keeping them guessing. What pitiful aura. They truly thought themselves a threat.

"Naughty, naughty. You come into our domain, spread your poisonous stench, mess with what is ours, and you have the gall to ask me questions? You deserve to be punished~" Moon coos.

The vampire lets them spot his shrunken crimson pupils in the darkness before shooting from his hiding spot. His hand latches around the first one's throat, their hood falling away to reveal a raven-haired man with green eyes. Their companion shouts in shock, stumbling back, watching frost form along the man's skin, up his neck, down his chest. With a simple clasp of his claws, Moon separates the man's head from his body, frozen from the inside out.

Turning a vicious grin on the other trespasser, they go still, a statue stuck in place, pinned like a fly under his piercing ruby glower.

Looming over the intruder, he delicately places a hand on their shoulder, the fabric covering in ice, skin underneath immediately going red. Bringing his face close, Moon bares his fangs in sad*stic delight. "Now, what was that you were saying about ransacking a cabin and attacking a Guardian?"

Moon can see the exact moment where primal instincts kick in, breaking free of their stone prison. They whip out a dagger, aiming for his face. Moon catches it with ease, the arm joining their companion's head on the ground. They shriek, writhing, seeking to escape.

Mouth dipping in annoyance when their thrashing becomes problematic, Moon whips them around, smashing them against the barrier. "Enough!" he snarls. "You will-"

His demand cuts short, having to leap back when the barrier reacts. It goes red, string lashing out to consume the intruder. They scream, battling to break out, but the strings pull taut. Moon stares, stunned, when they compress, lines cutting through them. Blood sprays, compacting them, strings wrapping over them until Moon can no longer see them. They merge back into the barrier, no sign of the intruder left behind.

Well sh*t. That did not go as planned.

Alarm resurges in Moon. His sources of information about what was going on were dead. They may have already taken you, if you were the Guardian as he suspected. Scouring the forest would take far too long. It had been hours, anyway. The possibility they'd dragged you elsewhere was too high. They needed a way to track you. They could easily use their innate abilities, but they would require something that belonged to you first. Something personal, preferably.

They had to get past the barrier.

Eying it warily, Moon noted the blood still soaking into the ground. The first one had called it dreamscape magic. Moon knew of it, but he'd never studied it before. Normally, his arcane powers were more than enough for whatever he encountered, but if this stuff was as unpredictable as the intruder claimed, caution was in order. Someone with a better grasp on different types of spell work would be better for this.

Shifting to face towards home, Moon calls out, the summons carried along on an icy gust . "Sun, Eclipse. Come quickly. There is trouble."

In less than a minute, a breeze tears through, Sun and Eclipse standing beside him. "Moon. What is it?" Eclipse asks instantly, aware of the seriousness in Moon's tone.

"There were trespassers in the forest. It's possible a few remain. I do not know, they are hidden somehow. I killed one, the barrier ended the other. I think they may have taken the little hunter. We must get in so we can obtain a way to track them," Moon summarizes.

Sun's shoulders jump, going stiff. "What?" he growls, pale orbs flashing dangerously. Not bothering to comment, Eclipse glides past Moon, stopping in front of the barrier. He lifts a hand, digits halting just shy of the unseen shield. Moon briefly considers a warning, but knows it's wholly unnecessary. Eclipse understands magic far too well to risk doing something stupid, especially now, when you might need them.

Flexing his palm flat, Eclipse begins to exert force upon the barrier blocking their way. The ground quakes, trees groaning around them, earth splintering where the eldest vampire stands. Threads emerge, going wild. An unspoken command lingers between the brothers.

Swifter than lightning, Moon takes hold of the strings on the right, Sun handling those on the left. They freeze and crumble under his influence, while turning to ash, fluttering away on the wind, in Sun's clutches. A deafening pressure builds, Eclipse exuding a gloomy mahogany aura, wisping akin to vapor from him, his fingers cracking together against his palm.

A violent explosion rocks the forest, echoing across the sky. Moon stares, a crater formed at the power Eclipse exerted. The nightly vampire cannot recall the last time Eclipse had dipped so far into his arcane reserves. His eldest sibling is containing a boiling fury under the surface, of that, Moon is almost certain.

The shield crumbles like glass, pieces breaking off, turning to dust before it can hit the ground. Eclipse studies it for a second, proceeding to step into the air above the pit he has just created. "The barrier will repair itself shortly. I suggest we hurry this along," he instructs, not giving his brothers time to say anything, rushing for the cabin.

Sun and Moon are on his heels, the door the last obstacle before them. They have already been invited in, however, so it does nothing to deter them, nearly coming off the hinges when Sun reaches past and yanks it open.

Paper gusts in their wake when all three stand in the homely space, scouring the walls, examining every nook and cranny. Without a word, each rummage through an area of the cabin. Moon sorts through your potions, poking around by the fireplace, while Eclipse explores the area surrounding your bed.

Sun, meanwhile, busies himself at your desk, scrolling through the scattered mess of papers atop it. Your essence coats every object, yet nothing really stuck out as personal, important. True, there was a certain sense of love and care into everything you'd written, all the herbs you'd grown, potions you created, but they did not hold a deeper part of you, would not guide them on your trail for long before fizzling out.

Shoving aside a stack, however, Sun instantly alerts. A leather journal, bound tightly, lays innocently under it, obviously worn and well used. Lifting it, a trickle shudders through the youngest sibling, claws delicately brushing the velvety surface. He notes a thin string spooling out from between the pages, unable to resist opening it for a peek. He needs to confirm this is what he thinks it is, anyway, even if he can already feel the book practically dripping with your aura.

Sun's iridescent orbs hungrily scan what was clearly your latest entry, which apparently was written after their departure the day you showed them here.

A few lines in, and both Eclipse and Moon appear to hover behind his shoulder. Moon is slightly annoyed that Sun didn't call them over, though lets it go for the sake of listening in.

"...Perhaps it is too much trouble to remain here, yet..." Sun murmurs, falling to the next paragraph. "I cannot deny they have rough edges. Certainly lack a full understanding of boundaries. There is something funnily endearing about them, though. Sun seems the most sociable, trying to actually learn about my interests. Moon attempted to be quite domineering, but ended up embarrassed instead. As for Eclipse, he is by the far the most intimidating, though seemed desperate to prove his point and gain my favor. The kiss still flabbergasts me, and I am not positive if it's in a good or bad way yet."

Their cores soar despite the situation, a renewed eagerness to charm you into their clutches. Hoping for more, Sun reads on, but the rest quick;y sours their good mood. "Regardless, so long as they not involved with the cult of Bloodos' followers, I see no reason to not try to get to know them. Perhaps it will not be so bad to have a bit of company for once. I do miss my family and the fellowship..."

Sun pauses, ink scratching out a small portion of the sentence, replaced swiftly afterwards. "...sometimes. On that note, I must make an appeal to our god tonight. I pray they see it fit to grant me another protection, that the cult not find me and their weary god. Wish me luck, I suppose."

Eclipse starts, performing a double take on the last bit, easily able to see it past his shorter sibling's form, the page wide open. "Bloodos? The father of nightmares? Now that is a name I have not heard in an age and then some. If their followers are chasing the little hunter, their fellowship must have been dedicated to Bloodos' counter part, the weaver of dreams."

"It would explain would a lot," Sun muses, interrupted when Moon snatches the journal from him.

"We can worry about that later," the lunar being snaps. "This cult has brought great harm to the little hunter in the past, and who knows what they are doing to them now. With gods being involved, it cannot be anything good. Eclipse."

Meaningfully, Moon turns to the eldest, holding out the leather book. Taking it, the ebony and fire-hued vampire hums gently, considering the object. "Yes, this should work quite well," he assures.

Holding it aloft, the glow of Eclipse's bronze pupils intensifies, a tawny brown mist beginning to waft from the pages and covers, drifting to the floor. The brothers watch it trail outside, slithering like a snake across the ground.

Eclipse grins. "I do believe we have our heading."

Your head is far too heavy, filled with rocks that have been lit on fire. You're hot. Way too hot. Fever scores your forehead, desperate for a cool breeze or drink of water. You can't move, though, your limbs refusing to obey you. Your lids barely lift, squinting through slits, the blurry outline of a rocky roof sliding along your hazy vision.

Rock roof? That couldn't be right. Did you fall asleep somewhere along the hills on the other side of the river? No, that made no sense either. Was it the vampires? Had they taken you again, put you somewhere under their estate this time? Nah, there was no way they could get past the barrier without your say so. Unless you had given them permission...?

Delirious, your overheated mind forces you to focus. Take stock. There's something else wrong with this picture, something worse. Your body isn't just not listening to you, it feels weak. Really weak. That, and your wrists and ankles hurt in particular, chaffing rubbing your skin raw. Your arms are above your head, of that you're sure. Right, so, restrained, then. sh*t, that wasn't good.

You shuffle backwards through your memories, scattered, leaves in the wind of your feverish self. One manages to smack you in the face, a knife in your hand, blood spraying from a throat. Clinging to it, you grasp for the strings that connect to others, a broken spiderweb you have to reassemble.

Purple smoke. Poison, you realize in dread. It must have hit your system before you could prevent it. Explains your current state. At least you aren't dead, though that's of little comfort. A small fear had whispered in your subconscious since becoming aware, but you really didn't want to think it could be possible. You'd be so careful. Never left a trace, kept under every radar.

Was it Moon breaking the gods' gift? Or was it you contacting Forcieam? Maybe both. Whatever the case, you were experiencing the worst outcome of all your worries concerning Bloodos' bloodthirsty fanatics. Drugged up, no means of defense, already where they wanted you. You had failed. You had failed them all.

Guilty bitterness seeps into your veins, the shuffling and murmuring of distant voices washing over you, unable to make heads or tails of what's being said. The pounding in your skull is too loud.

Cold steel on your chest does startle you a bit, bringing both relief and a shot of adrenaline that goes absolutely nowhere, barely able to twitch in response.

Somewhat aware of people looming much closer, a gravelly chuckle rolls from beside you, strained by age. "The Guardian is awake. Good. That will make this so much more enjoyable." Breath tickles your ear, and oh how you wish you could recoil when a sour note hits you. "Don't worry, little Guardian. Soon your blood will join with all the others on this cursed land where you kept our god trapped for all these years."

To emphasize, the knife digs into the flesh of your torso, working up and down your chest, shooting fresh magma through your veins. The pain is sharp, blade jagged and unstable in its work, but you grit your teeth and bear it. You have been conditioned to pain for a long, long time. What draws your attention more is what the carver said.

Summoning your willpower to battle the poison that makes moving a war, you reopen one eye as far as you can, the sight greeting your blurry perception enough to almost stop your heart. A large hole you hadn't noticed before yawns to your right, beyond which a familiar mountain rises, tip brushing the sky.

Home. The one they destroyed. Hell, even the very chamber where your life had unraveled.

You want to cry, yet in the same instance, you don't. It would be one last victory these savages would take from you, from your people. Their last Guardian, a blubbering mess on the eve of their death, their biggest blunder, their defeat.

A presence stirs deep in you, sluggish in unraveling things. Much akin to a cat, one half of Bloodos alerts, a feline jerking awake, ears perked, gaining the other's attention. Both clamber as one to the surface of your subconscious, snarling in far too delayed realization. A shriek rips through your mental space, people with blotted out faces rushing around you. The gods summon your worst nightmares while you sleep, preparing to battle for their heavily desired peace.

It becomes too late. Your entire center seizes, a violent lashing tearing your soul asunder. Back arching, black ink runs from your eyes, blocking out anything except the one figure that shreds apart, a vial shattering in the deepest depths of yourself. A wail that could put a banshee to shame erupts from your mouth, thick smoke, a volcano erupting, ripping from the new markings in your skin.

You suspend, thick ropes snapping loudly, freeing you, obsidian blocking out the sky as you rise, a limp doll. Feral snarls encase your senses, far from the cognizant god whom had convinced you to let them in all those years ago.

In the distance, screams can be heard. You can't tell if they're from your nightmares, or if they're real. It doesn't matter.

You fall into oblivion.

The trail they follow is long, requiring every ounce of speed they have on hand. Occasionally, Eclipse will grab it and haul them forward, teleporting closer and closer to the other end, reserving himself for whatever fight may be about to take place.

Humans did not worry him. He could easily crush whatever ants foolishly still clung to the old ways of the world, when it was new, and beings like Bloodos ran rampant. His brothers and himself had been made at the far end of that era, emerging from the depths of the seasons, Earth gifted by the celestial bodies from which they were so named. Arcane creatures, vampire or not, were a rare thing, considered on par to gods by a more primitive humanity, yet that was not entirely true.

Gods were far more cosmic things, forces beyond nature and space. To say Eclipse was wary of potentially having to confront one was an understatement. He was powerful, confident, but not stupid or arrogant, despite how he might come across. His studies of magic, sourcing from grimoires so ancient even other immortals would have trouble recalling the long lost civilizations they originated from, still came up lacking where the gods were concerned. Vassals of gods were the most common thing he found in what was already an extreme rarity, speaking of ancient bonds and sealing rituals, none of which he had the full picture of how to use.

It matters little in the end, he supposes. If he has to fight a god to get the little hunter back, he will. Eclipse had said it before, and he would not go back on his word now. He would not let you slip away from him again.

The wisping snake they follow eventually begins to peter out, ending up next to a darkened lake under the shadow of a mountain. A burnt forest expands to their left, giving way to a wasteland of what might have once been a lush meadow. A hill peeks through the barren land, the last rise of mountain before caving to the land they stand on.

It was from there they heard the howling and shouting of voices. Cloaked figures pour from the mouth of a cave, a black smoke nipping at their feet.

"What happened?!" one person shouts to another.

"I don't know, but I think the priests might be dead! The whole thing was a sh*t show! I barely made it out!" another hollers back.

Focused on the billowing stygian that appears to pause at the cave entrance, none of those gathered expect it when ice begins to creep up their legs, becoming aware far too late. Entrapped, confusion and fear befalls them when the vampire brothers wander into their midst, seeming wholly unbothered by the crowd around them.

Sun zeroes in on the cultist whom spoke of barely escaping. Leaning in close, deadly bright smile on his face, showcasing his fangs, Sun asks, "So, what have you done to our little hunter? What was that about a priest?"

To say she was bewildered was an understatement. "Are...are you talking about the Guardian? The-the priest, they were only trying to free our god from their imprisonment. Those blasted Forcieam worshipers, they-"

Sun cuts her off, fingers curling into her jaw, threatening to crush bone. "I did not inquire about your idiotic beliefs, nor do I care to hear them. I want to know what you did to my cunning little lynx, so that I know exactly what to do to each and every one of you cultists I run across."

She swallows thickly, releasing a whimper at Sun's unnervingly cheery attitude, saved only when Moon interrupts. "There," he growls, pointing at a plume of the same smoke clogging the entrance escaping from the other side of the hill.

The solar vampire hums, dissatisfied, but releases the woman with a huff. "Count yourself lucky...for now. We have an angry god to deal with thanks to your minuscule cult's idiocy."

They abandon the field of frozen people, abruptly stopping before a large hole in the hillside, which appears to have crumbled into the cave system below at some point. Faint gray marks scorched on the rock reveal signs of what might have been a blast, The smoke here is much more volatile, thrashing and whipping about strangely. The vampires watch cautiously when it begins to solidify, giant shapes made out that tower over the ashen countryside.

Robes of the darkest night and deepest blood red form on the left, matching the colors of a massive dream catcher which stitches itself into being, cascading down the god's back, dripping a crimson fluid, tortured faces woven into the design, violence prevalent in the crushing of souls. Empty silver sockets scour the land, a mindless grin displaying fangs which put the brothers' to shame.

One the opposite side, ivory and wine purple regalia similar to their other half flow to the ground, splattered in fresh scarlet. Their dream catcher depicts madness, the gleam of sharp instruments to cut through flesh and bone, eyes watching from the dark. Mahogany orbs survey in a far less crazed manner, yet behind them hold an endless ocean of cruelty.

The latter reaches down, scoring ruts into the earth, seeming to test their corporeal nature. "A fresh much fear...a feast," they speak, voice a thousand whispers, a million wails for relief where there is none, sending shivers down even the vampires' spines.

The first suddenly lunges forward, snapping at air with a ravenous appetite, impatient. "Yes, yes, brother, me, let us go, to invade, to slaughter in endless terrors of the mind! Been so long since we tasted fresh nightmares!" he basically roars, ready to dart away on all fours.

In their eagerness, the gods fail to note the vampires at their feet, whom spot the wisps of stygian that still exudes from the gods' shadow, going into the cave. The heavy mist shifts in waves, and it is in there that they spot you. A dream catcher floats in the middle of an empty chamber, you stuck inside, bodies littering the floor, still alive, but appearing catatonic. The source of the smoke becomes obvious, pouring from you like a waterfall, your eyes black pools that cry viscous to form a stream on the ground. You are still linked to the ancient beings above, and they are about to leave. None of the brothers want to know what will happen to you if they lose track of the gods.

"Sun, come with me, Moon, attend to our little hunter," Eclipse orders, leaving no room for argument when he lifts off the ground. Sun immediately heeds, while Moon jumps down into the cavern. An icy wind parts the smoke for him, not allowing it to touch him while he makes his way towards you.

Meanwhile, Eclipse and Sun split, getting in the path of either god. The behemoths stop short, the more violent one's head tilting.

"What's this? Oh, oh, tiny insects, brother! I think they mean to stand in our way! Let's squash them!" they exclaim giddily, reaching up towards Sun.

Light blazes, scorching, far more intense than any fire could ever hope to be. The vicious god recoils with a wail, stumbling into their counterpart, whom supports them easily. Said other half narrows furious eyes on the opposing family.

"Careful, me," he growls. "They hold a part of the cosmos. Tricky little things."

"We cannot allow you to leave. You have something of ours still tied to you. That, and I very much doubt they would approve of us letting you rampage across the Earth after millions of years," Eclipse explains with a chuckle.

The more cunning one laughs in equal mocking. "You truly think you can stop us? I said you were tricky, but we are still beyond you, insect of this plane."

Eyes locked, the cunning half assures their other is standing before stepping toward Eclipse. The vampire huffs and frowns, observing something flash in the mahogany sockets. Then, for some strange reason, it almost seems like the god falters. However, Eclipse has already acknowledged the incoming threat, arm sweeping in a backhand that collides against the god with gravitational force, sending him partially sailing, partially stumbling into the mountain.

While Eclipse and the white-robed one brawl, the more feral side pounces at Sun, intending to trap him in the void of his mouth, crimson cascading past his serrated teeth. Sun easily dodges, striking the god in the face near their eye, leading to another howl of pain. Getting aggravated, the feathers of their dream catcher start to lift, whipping into the air. The agonized faces move, wailing out a song that grinds against Sun's nerves, taking everything in him not to collapse instantly when it rattles his very soul. Releasing a shout, Sun wildly flares his hand out, a slice of light connecting to the god's chest, wine red fluid gooping from him to splash on the ground.

The earth quakes, Moon glancing up at the ceiling in concern. Hopefully the idiots didn't cause a cave in before he had a chance to get you out of here. He'd rather not have to deal with the complications that would bring. He was already having to do his damnedest to keep the smoke off him, figuring it's what took down the cultists he drifted past, kicking them when they were in range for good measure. None responded, not a sound, seemingly lost, eyes vacant, chests rising and falling and hearts beating in purposeless meaning. Good riddance. Serves them right.

Halting under you, Moon levitates, his wind apparently not having an effect on the smoke that came from your chest, only clearing what drifted beyond your dream catcher prison. Careful to not go near it, he examines the strings holding you in place, some having sliced you in certain places, much to his fury, limbs askew at odd angles.

Not desiring to risk any sort of backlash if he tries to cut them, Moon slips closer, clawed digits cradling the edges of your face, but not quite touching you.

"My feisty snapdragon, I need you to come back to me. I need you to fight this. Please. We are doing what we can, but we are depending on you, too. Please come back," he whispers, praying that you can hear him, wherever you are. He is not skilled in the magical and written arts like Eclipse, or as charismatic and social as Sun, but that would not stop him. Whatever charm or spell he had to dig from his depths to bring you back to the surface, he would.

"My clever, sweet forget-me-not, please," he pleads again, daring to risk brushing a single finger along your cheek. His core leaps when you fidget, head slowly tilting up to stare at him, but the leaking abyss remains, causing his optimism to crash.

"Little hunter...?" he questions uncertainly.

You scream.

Moon is sent soaring, crashing hard into the wall. It cracks, zigzagging along, the cavern shuddering. The wind dies away at the unexpected attack, the smoke quick to refill the space. Coughing, Moon realizes a moment too late, darkness claiming his vision.

In a blink, he is lost in a fog, standing in nothingness. Alarm creeps through him, gaze searching the emptiness. Where are his brothers? The little hunter? Wasn't he just in a cave somewhere?

A single step resounds, causing Moon to whip around, nearly jumping in shock to find you directly behind him. "Snapdragon?" his breathes. You focus such cold eyes on him.

"Did you honestly think I could ever care about you? Any of you? Let alone you," you hiss with arctic venom. Confusion and indignation cloud Moon's mind, though nothing comes out when he attempts to offer rebuttal.

"Antagonizing me, abducting me, dragging me into this whole thing kicking and screaming because you want it so badly. I really should have just left when I had the chance. I can't believe I was such an idiot," you snarl at him, jabbing a finger towards his face.

The words tear at him, guilt from before rearing its ugly head. He couldn't help his desire, his instincts. You had played such a long game with them, how was he not supposed to get impatient? Though...nothing about this felt right. This place clearly wasn't real. How he or you had gotten here alluded him. Not to mention what you were saying.

Yeah, you could be snappy, and had definitely been angry at them finally catching you, but there was more to it. You had let them back into your home, despite the option to refuse to let them pass (even if they would have gotten in anyway), not to mention the journal entry...

The journal.

It hit him. The cult. He was supposed to be helping you, getting you free while his brothers held off the god no longer hidden inside you.

Mental clarity hit him, a slap in the face that knocked the bewitchment this place wove into him from his mind. Huffing, he brushes aside the fake you, looking around him with full lucidity. Were you in here, somewhere? It would make sense. Whatever he inhaled from you brought him here.

Stepping forward, Moon's head whips back when the you he is leaving behind growls, twisting into something that is not human. Your visage morphs, jaws cracking apart, teeth stretching and sharpening unnaturally, limbs contorting and growing. Oh, he did not like that, especially considering the fact it was using your face to do it.

It charges him, Moon drawing on his core to send a large spike of ice through the monster that dared make a mockery of you. It shrieks, writhing on the ground, the vampire content to get moving for real.

Only, his plans are stopped once again, the squelching of viscera making him turn right back around, the creature's insides healing in a grotesque, rotten display. Fantastic.

Gritting his teeth, Moon's grace begins to reach its limits. He does not have time to duke it out with this abomination. Of the three of them, Moon had figured his part would require the least amount of force. Well, hindsight was to be damned when it came to the gods, he supposes.

Shooting forward, Moon tore into the festering wound, crimson orbs glinting. Energy stirs, turning from a putrid ink to a crystalline blue as he absorbs it. The creature withers before him, its progress halted. Shriveling like a raisin, Moon lets what remains of his opponent glop into sludge, melding and disappearing beneath his feet.

That taken care of, Moon at last focuses on finding you. If this is some sort of realm linked to the nightmare gods, it was likely all under their current influence were trapped here, with you at the center, if there was such a place in this seemingly endless void. Perhaps...

Moon was far from versed magical tracking, preferring to depend on his more primal senses to play with his prey. He did know you, though. Your scent, the lingering whisper of your soul in the air. Back when the game first began, he had memorized it, certain of his victory. He was the swiftest, the best at hunting, it only made sense. Now, though, it could very well come in handy for a different reason, one far more important.

Extending his hand, Moon feels the air stir, shifting the fog. He summons it from all around him, concentrating over his palm. He picks up on the faint scent of the cult members, a footnote when making his way toward you in the cavern. Ignoring them, Moon focuses intently, waiting. A faint current winds up to join the tiny spherical vortex, making Moon pause.

Capturing it close, the weary but fierce independence of your aura wreaths around him. Garnering all his power on the trail, he walks, ensuring he does not lose it by rushing, despite how everything in him screams to find you.

"Hang on, my steadfast thyme. I'm coming."

The brush of sunlight on your skin stirs you awake.

Sitting up, you blink in utter befuddlement at the scene in front of you. The lake. The other initiates making a ruckus in the aqua.

This...this already happened. Many times. More than you can count, over the span of a decade, at least. It is vivid to you, an absolute certainty.

Which is bad. Very, very bad. You aren't supposed to remember it's a nightmare when you're in it. Lucid dreaming defeats the whole purpose. Why do you know what's occurring?

Static consumes you, anxiety skyrocketing. You have the answer. It howls at you in a thousand familiar faces. Failure, failure, failure-

A hand lands on your shoulder, a soft voice speaking your name with no small level of concern. "Are you okay?"

Snapping to attention, nearly jumping from your seat, your head whips around in confusion. "Al-Allison?" you question, aghast, skin pale.

"Yes...?" she responds, her concern only deepening. " you need me to call the healers? I know you must be a bit stressed with the Guardian ceremony coming, but you seem really unwell."

You stare at her, locked in place. This was a deviation. This was not part of the sequence of events. You were meant to seek her out in the great hall, and then...

Glancing around, you take stock of the fact you are in one of the carved out homes of the fellowship. Decor hung on the wall, a few paintings done by hand, a small kitchen to your right, a living room with a comfy lounge couch opposite. recognize this place. It had alluded you, all these years, yet you knew every crack and crevice along the ceiling and walls, the blueberry stain barely visible on the polished stone floor, partially hidden by carpet, the tapestries and bead curtains that separated the rooms.

"What's this about being unwell?"

You're not sure what it is, but something in you just changed. Altered. Squinting through a murky looking glass, only to have the dirt cleaned away. Turning your head in almost robotic motion, you blink at the two women entering through one of said bead curtains. Warm amber and rich hazel, you think distantly. You had played with the curtain many times growing up. It always reminded you of them, fitting, as it led into their bedroom.

Bright golden-brown hair, done up in a loose braid, complimenting blue eyes. Behind her, chocolate irises peer blankly in your direction, unseeing, but knowing exactly where you are, dark honey skin framed by a halo of short raven locks.

To say a truck had just hit you was an understatement. "Mom...Mother?" you whisper, reverent, in shock. Gravity seeks to claim you, pull you from your seat. You feel dizzy. It had been so long since you'd been allowed to see their faces, you were sure you had forgotten them entirely. That seems almost foolish, in this moment, believing you would be able to erase from your mind the rhythm of an old favorite song, the lyrics you had hummed along with a million times.

"Yes?" the blue-eyed woman replies, shooting a confused, inquisitive glance at Allison, whom shrugs and shakes her head in equal bewilderment.

You don't know what to say. Your tongue is glued down, refusing to work. Your mind buzzes with nothing and everything all at once.

You collapse, tears already overflowing. "Oh!" your mom flies forward, mother ghosting behind her. Both crouch at your side, mom laying a hand on your shoulder, while mother holds your chin, swiping at your cheek, flinching at the salty fluid she finds there.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" mother asks, urgent and worried. Allison hovers above, clearly desiring to offer you comfort as well, but shy and awkward nature holding her back.

How do you tell them? How can you face this? It's almost a worse nightmare than watching them all die again, watching their appearance blur in your memory. Is this a new tactic from Bloodos? Have they finally grown weary of consuming the same dreams over and over? They always seemed content, kept sated at your torment, asleep. Except...they weren't anymore. The weight of it returns to crush you under its force.

"I-I failed!" you blurt out, gripping yourself tightly, nails biting into skin. "I did everything to keep them off my trail, but I failed! And who knows what's happening, or going to!"

You're so caught up in the inner deluge, you miss Allison and mom sharing another glance, mom reaching over to give mother's wrist a gentle squeeze. She nods.

"You did nothing wrong, bumblebee," mother assures you, petting your hair in soothing strokes. "Whatever it is that occurred, we all know you did your best. You have always put your all into everything you do. It's one of the reasons we love you so much. You could never let us down. Not truly. Life will never stop having its ups and downs, and no one is ever prepared for the latter. Just remember what you stand for, what is right, and never cave to the despair. You are so strong, bumblebee. When life knocks you to the ground, I know you can get back up again, and find that light in the dark."

The words are a balm to the hole in your soul, stirring an ancient yearning you had been forced to bury years ago for the sake of your sanity. "I...I miss you so much," you say, voice cracking. "I've been so alone, and I kept telling myself that was fine, but the fellowship...I wasn't there when it needed me most. When you needed me most."

There is a pregnant pause, an awareness seeping into the dream. that what this is? An actual dream? You were so used to nightmares.

"It wasn't your fault, minnow. Those cultists were the ones who attacked us. You did all you could. You saved lives on your rampage. Saying it doesn't matter cause they all died anyway is wrong. There is always value in helping and protecting others. Sometimes...sometimes things are merely out of our control. If you hadn't accepted Bloodos' offer that day, it is very likely worse things would have come to pass. And sweetheart?" mom ends, tone laced in a kindness you have almost forgotten as well.

Taking your head from mother's grasp, the black-haired woman letting go with a slight reluctance, icy orbs catch yours. Mom wipes your slowing tears, smiling at you. She looks so much like an angel, a guardian from above you have so lacked. "You have never been alone. We would never leave you, even if you cannot see us, or even if we cannot touch you like this. We're all proud of you, every one of us. Even Harrison," she adds with a chuckle, one which chips at the walls on your heart, unable to prevent a tiny smile from tugging at the corner of your mouth.

"There's my girl," mom murmurs, brushing aside your bangs. Both silently embrace you, something you wish to be endless, yet all too soon you feel them slip away, mist caught in a breeze. You watch your home fade around you, but it does not come with the expected, fresh stab into your soul. How can it, when it feels like they are still surrounding you in their warmth?

A shuddering breath you were holding escapes, scraping the reserves of your energy to stand. Turning around, you are caught off guard to find Allison lingering. She smiles at you, ever sweet, head tilting the slightest, braided pigtails listing to the side.

"Allison...," you mutter, the thickness of cotton returning to your throat. In your youth, you were so sure of how your life would go. Become Guardian, have the support of the fellowship to handle the nightmares, and hopefully end up with Allison. It would have been perfect, but rarely was reality that simple.

"You really are such a stubborn silly," she teases, surprising you with a boop to the nose.

"What are you-," you start to protest, only for Allison to audaciously place a finger over your lips.

"You were my best friend since childhood. I know what's going on in your head. Maybe we would have been good together, or maybe we would have grown to be different people Either way, I'm gone, silly. You've already been through enough. Don't be afraid to open up, let people in again. Clinging to ghosts isn't how to live life," Allison urges, hands coming to clasp yours. She examines all the callouses and scars she finds there, the divots and valleys that tell of your hard work. "You take care of work and others before yourself. It won't hurt to have people there to remind you to do that."

Allison continues to map your palms while you stare at her, searching, uncertain, vulnerable. She does not look up, a sad smile lingering, crumbling to ash, leaving your hands to fall in a mild jolt.

You are unable to look away, observing your friend coast on a breeze you do not feel, the last bit fading away. The glow left by your parents mingles, battling nostalgia and a tinge of returning grief.

Stuck in place, eyes fixed, unfocused, into the distance, it takes a minute to register a little amber string wrapped around your pinky, dripping to the ground, trailing off. Confused, you lift your finger to examine it, only to catch a voice, echoing lightly, somewhere far off.

The string tugs at you, insistent, and you let your feet guide you forward. Better than staying place in a void that could so easily whisk you into another memory. You'd rather leave it on a good note than risk it.

You walk for a while, the muttering dying away, but the thread thankfully remaining. In a sudden second, a figure appears directly in front of you, nearly colliding. Stopping with a stutter, Moon twists slightly to avoid the hit. Struck by the unexpected encounter, you blink dumbly at him.

"Moon?" you question. This place must be messing with again. After all, there was no way the vampire could actually be here. Could he?

Moon regards you with a mild suspicion, leaning closer, eying you critically for a millisecond. His orbs widen the next, hands darting out to grip you by your upper arms.

"Little hunter? Are you okay?" he speaks swiftly, gaze zipping back and forth wildly, checking for injury. You're left stunned. Was this real? The memories had held you, too. Yet...why had the thread led you here?

"Ummmm...," you intone, mind tripping over itself on whether it believes this is truly happening. Your senses were usually much sharper than this, but with everything unfolding, you felt entirely out of wack. Could you trust what you were seeing? Anything having to do with gods made it hard to put faith in your senses.

Moon tenses, not liking your lack of proper response. "Listen, snapdragon. We're trying to do what we can to prevent things from getting worse, but even we have our limits. Eclipse and Sun can only distract Bloodos for so long. I need to know. Can you wake and do something about them? Is there some way to stop them like you have before?"

Well if that didn't confirm this was reality. The vampires had had no clue about the gods. How they were aware of your affiliations now was a mystery. They must have encountered the cultists and interrogated one or something.

Whatever the case, you have a better grasp of the situation. There's still time to fix this. "I should be able to," you offer, gripping at your chest and frowning in thought. Being a vassal to a god was a deep, tricky bond, and you are fairly certain whatever ritual the cultists used didn't work as they intended. They had broken free of the vial, but not from you. It was like your roles were reversed. The big question was how to make yourself wake up.

The vampire can easily discern your line of contemplation, grinning when he pulls you to his side. "I have an idea, snapdragon," he tells you, free arm lifting into the void. You watch, at first bewildered, then fascinated, when Moon draws in the energy of the abyss, consuming it in an icy blue vapor.

There is a shift, a weakening of the hold over your minds, a sluggishness, the void slow to refill its missing energy, a power vacuum. A vibration begins to build, Moon's crimson eyes flashing, abruptly expelling what he gathered in a violent burst. The space in front of you shatters, crystal cracking under pressure. Punching through it, Moon snatches whatever is on the other side and yanks. You both going flying forward, crashing through an unseen window.

Out in the real world, things could be better. Weary minds hold a faltering battle against the power of the gods, fending them off both physically and mentally. They shift through the dimensions, Bloodos scowling in their combined force, towering above even the mountain now as one, their colors split down the middle.

Eclipse roots them in place, crushing them down with a megalith force. Sun hinders their steps, their ability to aim and lash out at their opponents, blinding and slashing with his star-hot light, but the wounds keep eventually closing based on the size. The arcane brothers host a few bruises and cuts of their own, leaking ebony and marigold fluid respectively, having little time or power to spare for their own healing abilities.

Alongside their predicament, a worry creeps in. Where are Moon and the little hunter? Why is it taking so long for him to get them out? For as much confidence as they normally had in themselves, Eclipse and Sun would not be able to chain down the god forever.

In a momentary lapse of fretting, Sun just barely catches the approaching wave of darkness. Jerking to the side, it collides, sending him spiraling to the ground. Eclipse, alerting, tightens his grip, pushing Bloodos into the ground, giving way to crumble into part of the cave system, the god having to use the mountain for support to prevent themself from tripping.

Sun, recovering, shifts to get up from his own newly-created pit, only to pause when he catches a glimpse of the chamber you and Moon were in. The blast wave of his impact has cleared enough of the smoke to spot Moon among the far wall, slid to the ground from an obvious hit, unconscious, while you stare in his direction with empty, bleeding eyes.

sh*t! Scrambling to change direction, Sun freezes when a crack rings through the air, carried on an invisible wavelength only those the most in tune with the ether could feel. What was that?

Monitoring the ether, Sun nearly jumps when you suddenly jerk, his fright an incredibly rare event indeed. A strangled gasp leaves you, spurting ooze from your mouth. You cough, limbs moving sporadically, tugging on the strings of the dream catcher, snapping them with great effort. Giving one last heave, you start to drop.

Sun is under you before he himself even realizes it, catching you easily. The fog pouring from you starts lifting around the cavern, leaving only a pool of it clinging to Sun's calves.

You groan in his arms, eyes shot with the dark ink, the shine of your irises dim. "Sh, sh, sh, easy, my resilient little lynx," he hushes, glancing to the side for a split second at a different groan, noting in relief that Moon is stirring, too. Air wheezes in and out of your lungs, mouth stained black while you slowly return to reality.

"Ugggggh. S-Sun?" you mutter, languidly blinking at him.

"I'm here, sweet mouse," he assures, cradling you close. Your lips part to respond, cut short by a sharp jolt through your systems. Another loud gasps slips out, chest heaving for air. Your insides feel too hot and too cold all at once.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" you wail, a thousand shards of glass gouging the internal muscles of your sternum, past the billowing mist. You are aware you're bleeding, but you're not sure if it's from your body or your soul. Maybe both.

Sun panics, brain flying into overdrive. What was he supposed to do here? None of their skills were much good for healing, and even if they were, he doubted it would do anything against the power of a god still erupting out of you.

Moon is standing next to Sun in the third second of his alarm, attention darting wildly about, studying your torso. "It's all too mixed...something broke when they...," Moon murmurs, hand lingering over your chest. "I might be able to isolate them, but I need you to keep them as still as possible."

Sun nods, crushing you carefully close to prevent your squirming, despite the guilt that shot through him when the movement appears to agitate your injury. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, little lynx, just hold on a bit longer," he soothes.

Concentrating, Moon tries not to touch the fog, laboring to separate the nasty mess of mingled auras by your heart. The endeavor is near surgical, a level of toil the vampire cannot recall having to use before. Being a hyper-focused mess, it takes Sun a minute to absorb the fact the sound of fighting outside has died off.

A fresh tidal wave of worry slams into Sun, head snapping up to look for any sign of Eclipse or Bloodos outside, only to discover the god is standing above them, staring down in complete and utter silence. Sun tenses, a warning on his tongue, when he glimpses Eclipse beyond the shoulder of the god, expression equally puzzled and on guard.

Bloodos' arm twitches, rising in the direction of your trio. Eclipse intercedes right off the bat, stopping their arm in place. The god is entirely uncaring, shifting wavelengths to push through the weight shackling them. Moon glares from the corner of his eye, too tied up to prevent the dimensional being from getting near.

Sun's orbs blaze, the lingering light summoned to sear the god again should he get too close.

Bloodos pauses, mouth drawing into a thin line. "The vessel," their voice booms deep and high across the wasteland. "I had nearly...forgotten."

"Don't touch them!" Sun snarls, the threat of Eclipse descending into view between you, his brothers, and the god. "You're already doing enough!"

Bloodos completely ignores him, locked entirely on you. "We craved sleep...a rest. So many eons of the same. A delight in torment, dulled. Those silly little followers of him... We still do not know why he agreed to help us."

Your cries dissolve, barely managing to keep it together, Moon's work helping. You at last meet the gaze of the god you had kept contained for well over a decade, an unrequited bond from the intricate knowledge of yourselves. Your heart squeezes, a whimper fleeing you, the god and you both flinching.

"We revive, the cravings rekindle. No going back," they inform, head falling to the side, regarding you. "You still bear our essence. The world of waking and nightmares clash. You will die. Unless..."

The god wavers, vampires stiffening at their words. Scowling, Bloodos clearly argues inside, deadly digits fidgeting, attempting to curl into a fist. "Don't wanna go-," the red-robed side growls out, facing sharp rebuttal.

Grumbling, Bloodos reluctantly addresses the vampires. "Dispel your tricks," they demand. The brothers bristle, very much not wanting to do that.

Sensing this, Bloodos' irritation increases. "If you do not want the vessel to die, you will let us do what we need to!" they snarl.

Perplexed, the trio share a glance. Another cough from you makes up their mind in an instant, remaining ready to intervene should the god do anything to you. Bloodos eases you into the air, out of Sun's arms, much to his chagrin, baring his fangs in furious displeasure. You are limp, floating both literally and mentally, caught between the sensations that swell fresh in your chest with Moon no longer keeping the wild energies contained from each other.

Waiting with baited breath, the brothers observe Bloodos wave a hand over you, the huge appendage making you look like an ant in comparison. The air catches in your lungs, struggles weakly renewing when a scarlet glitter emerges from you, pooling together. The fog proceeds to follow, coalescing away from the symbols carved into your skin.

A tiny, flame-shaped bottle forms over you, the god's hand flipping to hold it, object hovering above their palm. Looking back at you, the torment fading from your face, you share a silent conversation.

They are going to leave. What link remains floods you with that certainty. Without a vassal to the living plane, they will return to theirs. A touch of disappointment at not getting to wreak their havoc is present, but they have no intention of letting you fade away for a few minutes of fun. You, who lost and gave everything for them. It was not always an easy relationship to carry, yet bore it you did.

"Goodbye, little lamb," they intone, crushing the bottle. The fabric of space tears to shreds, a giant rift which consumes them in the span of a heartbeat.

You begin to fall, though Eclipse snags you before you can get even a few feet. His fiery pupils bore into you, barely having the strength to let out a laugh, a noise that contains so many emotions at once you couldn't name them all if you tried.

" came? I...I don't-," you mumble, voice hoarse, breaking through your battle to speak.

Eclipse cuts you off. "Relax and rest, blazing comet. Everything else can wait."

For once, you find absolutely no reason to deny him. That sounds quite lovely, actually, every inch of your body aching and throbbing. Brain acknowledging your acceptance, you promptly pass out.

Eclipse studies you for a lingering second, taking it to wipe the inky blood from your chin and cheeks, noting your shuddering breaths. His gaze stalls on your lips, yet he is not that uncouth.

Joining his brothers below, Eclipse smiles wearily at them when they crowd at his side, drinking you in. "Let's go home."

Your chin rests in your palm, staring out the window into the sun-dappled woods, lost in thought, a frown dipping at your lips.

It had been a couple months since Bloodos had departed, leaving a strange emptiness in you. It was incredibly bizarre to lack the usual nightmares, too, your sleep undisturbed.

Well, for the most part. You'd be the first to admit you were quite jumpy, more so than usual, and there were moments you would burst awake, your subconscious aware of one vampire or the other nearby. To be able to finally sleep so lightly was both a blessing and a curse.

For their parts, the vampire brothers were very diligent. Rare was the moment that you had alone time. It had been an...adjustment, to say the least. Sun would insist on chattering your ear off for hours, discussing his life, asking about yours, by far the most subtle with his tracing touches and unexpected invasions of your space. You could see his delight in startling you, only so he could offer you a soothing pet along your shoulder or cheek, leaving you a sometimes not-so-secret flustered mess.

Moon, quite frankly, was the biggest menace, shocking no one. He loved to play little games with you, sneaking about, skulking around in the corner of your eye, gone when you glanced over, discovering him hanging from the ceiling behind you just when you settled again, capturing you for cuddles and a bit of teasing. Though...he was also the most withdrawn. You lost count of all the times he'd apologized for pushing you, for continually digging where he shouldn't. He blamed himself for what happened to you, you think, after connecting the dots of why your charm had been so important. For every utterance of guilty recompense, you forgave him in equal stride. Grudges were not entirely your thing, and he had far more than made up for it. If it weren't for Moon, after all, you might still very well be stuck in Bloodos' nightmare purgatory.

The eldest vampire would be damned if he wasn't holding or handling you in some way or another every single millisecond you spent in his presence. Handsy did not even begin to cover it. Sitting you on his lap, whispering poetry literally right into your ear, stroking along your edges, claws sending shivers up your spine. Thus far, none of them had drank from you, but you could tell Eclipse was the most tempted, razor teeth far too close to your neck for comfort, or kissing and catching along your wrist and forearm. You were dreading the concept that 'tomato' would become your natural skin color here soon. You had never been so uncollected in your life. Back in the fellowship, you were the charming one, but after so many years of solitude and paranoia it left you an absolute mess having the tables turned on you.

Your musing comes crashing down at the single tap of a polished boot on wood floor. Jerking up, your head whips around, finding the devil himself standing at the edge of the bed.

"Easy, starbeam. One would think you're expecting trouble," Eclipse jests, chuckling mildly. You huff, a smidge amused, returning to your window staring.

"Pretty sure I just found it. Unless you're going to tell me your mischief-causing days are over, though I severely doubt that," you quip. Eclipse lets loose a full, light laugh at that one, his claw ghosting the shell of your ear.

"Perhaps you have me there, oh dear jewel of my sky," he relents.

There is something in his tone that creeps along your skin, makes you sit a little straighter. Eying him curiously, brow lifting in minute suspicion, Eclipse smiles indulgently, offering his hand. Doubly intrigued, you shuffle your legs around to stand, allowing your palm to slide into his, Eclipse's digits closing reverently over yours.

"Alright, I'll bite. What are you up to today?" you prod, receiving only a smirk as an answer. Awesome.

He takes you outside, noticing with increasing wariness that Sun and Moon are not around. True, they all like their alone time with you, and go hunt every so often, but you're pretty sure they all did that yesterday, which in of itself is weird, too. Leaving you by yourself was a taboo among them, yet it was near noon by the time you woke up, and it still took almost another hour before any of them showed up, Moon acting it up like it was just a new game he was participating in.

Once a small distance from the manor, Eclipse abruptly picks you up, giving no spare second for protest before he takes off full speed into the brush, bracing your head into his chest. You're not entirely positive how far you travel in his inhuman stride, at least close to ten minutes, a multitude of miles by mortal standards no doubt, coming to a stop so fast Eclipse creates his own breeze, grappling against the wind that tugs at your hair.

A deepening dusk greets you, spreading a rainbow of glittering diamonds across an endless expanse of deep blue. Your jaw nearly pops off its hinges, eyes reflecting the aurora borealis sunset.

You had been plenty of places when running from the cult, but had always made it a point to never go near the ocean. Driving yourself to the very edge of land seemed like a good way to get chased right off a cliff. It had made you wonder, though. People normally spoke of the ocean with great fondness, save for those that had an understandable fear of such depths. In this moment, you decided, you were not among them.

To reflect the night before it even fell, to paint the world in such lavish color, scenting the air with a pleasant, clean saltiness that sprayed mist across your face, it brought you a calm you had lacked in your era as a vassal.

"Wow...this is.... What's the occasion?" you stumble through, getting the distinct impression you're being wooed, or perhaps buttered up. Eclipse's resounding chortle, keeping up his refusal to properly answer, has your gut flip-flopping, some sort of flying bug flitting wildly through your organs.

Checking where he's heading, you have to perform a double take. Is that a f*cking waterfall? Holy sh*t, that was a huge ass freshwater waterfall going directly into the ocean. You'd only seen something like this in pictures.

Your surprise continues to stack, absorbing the fact there is a large piece of cloth laid on the ground by the river, set up with a basket overflowing with a variety of food, alongside a few bottle of wine in a different basket of ice next to the other one. Did he seriously take you on a goddamn picnic? Somehow, that is the most Eclipse thing you have ever heard. If there was anyone with an appreciation for classics among the brothers, the eldest was definitely it. Oh sweet irony.

Maneuvering to sit so that you rest between his legs, cause of course, Eclipse starts pulling out items from the basket. A board of cheese, meats, and crackers, a platter with carrots, celery, and ranch on one side, apple and banana slices and caramel on the other. Fingers sandwiches, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate mousse. Holy hell, was he trying to feed an army? How much did he think you ate in one sitting? You thought they'd have your dietary habits memorized by now, insistent on obtaining your food every time you got so much as peckish while recuperating. Granted, they tended to also give you a lot then, too, but not this degree of overindulgence.

Noting your expression, Eclipse laughs. "I know you know mortal food is mostly tasteless for us, nebula, but that doesn't mean we can't eat it. I thought it would be a nice change of pace."

What? Eating together? Hm, a heartfelt, domestic thought, you had to admit. Although...

"Don't you mean we thought it would be?" you query, throwing a raised brow his way. They were not fooling you. Why Sun and Moon hung back for the moment was beyond you, but if they were all going to end up here eventually, it was a moot point anyway. Besides, not that you would say it aloud, you would much prefer to soak in all their presence right now. This was an incredibly sweet gesture, after all, and you wanted to give them all your thanks, particularly Sun, the brightest brother having clearly tucked the tidbit about the ocean away when brought up during one of your many conversations. Clever boy.

Two more figures emerge from the bushes, all three chuckling at your skill. "Nothing gets past you, does it, little hunter?" Moon simpers, flashing his fangs.

"Afraid not. Senses and mind are bit too sharp for you lot, unfortunately. Oh, well, looks like I'll have to start over elsewhere," you tease, earning a squeeze from Eclipse's hands on your hips.

"And I'm afraid that ship has sailed, comet. You're stuck here now. No running away," Eclipse tells you firmly, an invisible force pressing you closer to him, like a second set of unyielding arms.

"I don't know about that, Eclipse," Sun refutes playfully, laying to your left, thorny digits tapping up your legs, making them twitch. "I think it would be quite fun to have a game of tag with them, no tricks to disappear this time."

A gravelly chuckle in your ear snaps your focus to Moon, looming to your right, hoarding near, past Eclipse's shoulder, his hand landing on your own, near your neck. "Oh, yes. I can see it now. Giving the little snapdragon a head start, listening to their heart beat through the trees, running them in circles while we close in, gifting them the illusion of safety right before we pounce..."

A claw taps delicately at your throat, your jugular pounding under the action. You swear you feel the slickness of something against your lobe just before Moon pulls back with another dark chuckle, leaving you reeling, almost breathless. Oh. Oh gods were they being so unfair.

"Cunning lynx, playing with us all these years. Finally grasping just how much we're gonna make them pay for all their teasing?" Sun snickers, grin devilish.

"Th-that wasn't-!" you instantly protest, only to have a slice of caramel-dipped apple slid into your open mouth. Stunned, it takes your brain several seconds to reboot, glancing down at the blue-tinted fingers that keep the food in place, slowly traveling up to a smug Moon.

"Ah, ah, snapdragon. No arguing tonight. We're all here to enjoy ourselves, and, well, enjoy you," he strikes down your complaints, winking flirtatiously. You are heavily unamused, to say the least, the vigilant part of you recording his wording.

There is little chance at rebuttal, each vampire enthused at the idea of feeding you. You wager whether or not fighting for your last shred of dignity is worth it. You decide your energy would be better spent elsewhere, on endeavors you'll actually have a shot at winning.

Eclipse insists on you consuming the finger sandwiches (you suspect he made them), Sun gifting you a bite of some dessert or another in between, while Moon works the healthy angle using the fruits, vegetables, and cracker platter.

It still does surprise you a bit to witness them also nab an item or two, mostly meats, though Sun does crunch on carrots and banana. Noting your stare, Eclipse chuckles. "Something catch your eye?" he teases, bringing a cracker stack to his maw, tongue wrapping around it to bring it inside before closing, chewing, and swallowing slowly.

"No," you quickly deny, snatching an incoming spoonful of mousse, even when your stomach starts to protest a bit. The brightest vampire sees this, leaning forward a bit.

"We want to indulge you, but not to the point you can hardly move. Don't be falling into a food coma now, mousy," Sun adds, chortling under his breath. All three share a conspiratorially, dare you say, hungry look, setting you instantly on edge again, a fiery twist roiling your gut.

You have an inkling of what they're up to, and you're not really sure how you feel about it. It's not like you hadn't wondered about them drinking from you, you're honestly a bit amazed it took this long, but they had been primarily concerned with your recovery these past several weeks. With the worst of it over, guess they decided it was time to address the elephant.

Solar fire touching upon the horizon, you consider the blunt approach, which you had found yourself increasingly familiar with after the past decade of endless nightmares, or letting the boys set the pace. On one hand, this was a date they had planned and spent some time on, so it would only be polite to allow them to see their plot to the end. On the other, they had already completely romanced you into a mental puddle, and those grins and glances they kept giving you and each other was doing things to you. If there was much more lead up to their end game, you would probably die from you brain getting cooked by the hot blood rushing to your head.

Sun, sensing your waning patience, side-eyes Eclipse. The eldest hums, somehow gathering you closer, to his brothers' mild disappointment.

"Our little hunter," he murmurs into your flesh, grazing along your upper back, soaking in your scent. "We have watched you from afar for years, become so heavily drawn in to you, the gravity of our planet, the fusion of our star. A symphony flew from the dullness of time. A treasure to sequester, a waterfall into our stagnant pool. For you, the passage has been brief, wild and swift, rapids carrying you downstream, now to arrive at the clandestine ocean. We want to show you. We seek to display our desire and devotion," he requests, lacing dark need into every word, trailing kisses along the back of your neck towards your ear.

Your jaw threatens to unhinge, but you manage to keep it glued shut. Oh. Oh! Oh. Was this...? That was not the direction you thought they meant to take this tonight. At least, you hope you were reading their intent right. It all added up, though. The date, the looks, the increasingly intimate touches and closeness. Did you want to try it?

That was a loaded question. Eclipse was right, you had only actually gotten to know them more recently, the game of cat and mouse counting little with how you avoided them like the plague. Yet...

For all their predatory mannerisms, their loyalty was unmatched, and they hadn't pushed you outside your comfort zone since the initial kidnapping, the possessive irritation from the chase fading the longer you spent in their care. Each truly had their own endearing quirks, you'd almost call them complete goofballs if not for the fact they were still arcane vampires, their edges dark, powerful, almost sinister in their worst moments. You were never one to shy from the unknown when confronted, though. You'd had the literal nightmare god living in you before, after all.

Not that any of that answered the question. Were you really gonna take that leap? It'd be your first, and to lose the card to all three tall, admittedly handsome vampire brothers you could only imagine the packages of...? Enough to smother your entire face in rosiness.

Your gut turns and heats the longer you linger on it, not helped by the salacious nibble and lick Eclipse provides to your lobe, pinching it carefully between his sharp teeth. You squirm, catching a fast breath in your throat. You won't let it be entirely that easy. Call it an ancient sense of charisma stirring, you weren't going to let the vampires have complete control over your life and self. You'd caved to them quite enough recently.

Abruptly, leaving Eclipse stuttering in place, you stand, walking a few feet to stop and assess them. The vampires perk, curiosity burning in their gaze, apprehension and hope mixing over whether or not you intend rejection or were up to something. You regard each, brows furrowing in thought.

Sun was most certainly not to be underestimated, despite usually being the most mellow of the vampires. He had energy for eons, and his sneaky tactics were difficult to predict. Eclipse, ironically, would most likely be the gentlest, probably wanting to drag it out, make you squirm, revel in the pleasure. Moon would definitely be eager to mark you up, taste you in every way he could, get charged up by a power play before pinning you. You could easily picture each outcome, and the idea of combining them all together made your legs like jelly before the prospective naughties had even begun. Oh, what had these vampires done to you?

Well, you know what? You'd been pent up for over a month, had gone through years of trauma, and faced off against your demons. You could use some goddamn stress relief, and they were more than eager to supply.

You had to assert the mood, though, or else it would all quickly unravel from your grasp. That meant going for the one you had an inkling to be the most dominant, who would take to letting you have the lead most reluctantly.

Approaching them in a swift stride, you lower in smooth motion, pushing Sun down into the cloth, much to all of their shock. "Don't move," you order, straddling his torso. Stunned as if stung by a scorpion, only the twitch of the bright brother's claws suggest defiance.

Gripping either side of his head, you examine him mutely before bending down to lock your lips to his. Sun melts almost instantaneously, allowing each other in. Sun glides and probes around your mouth, experimentally twisting your tongue in his longer, snake-like one, which cause you to withdraw slightly when you feel the mildest show of tension beneath you, Sun burning to flip the script.

Breaking away, you smirk at him when you depart, cluing in that that is not how you're going to play today. An inferno blazes in his orbs at your resistance, well aware you're going to pay at some point down the road. Stretching across, you lay yourself across Moon's lap, an offering that quite literally makes a thin line of drool escape him.

"You play a dangerous game today, my gladiolus," Moon growls, claws whispering over your chest. You hum bemused acknowledgement, watching him lift your arm and bring it to his mouth. He lightly bites and kisses his way up, snickering victoriously when a gasp escapes you from a particularly harsh nip along your humerus.

You allow him to slip along your side, catching the fabric at the edge of your shirt and lifting. Alright, if that's his goal...

When the shirt is discarded, you give no pause for Moon to fully admire your flesh, sitting up to unclasp his cape and repeat his actions on him. His crimson sockets flash, suspecting treachery, which he is right when you fling his clothing directly in his face and duck away, evading his attempt to snap his arms around you.

Giggling, you slither to Eclipse, whom watches you play with his brothers with unabashed amusem*nt. "Come to tempt me next with your cruel taunts, my little celestial siren?" he queries when you find your next seat in his lap, legs wrapping around his waist. You chuckle, tracing the crescent split of his face, giving the middle a small boop.

"Perhaps," you assert, peppering kisses along his jawline. A rumble is crushed in his chest, the eldest not wanting to kowtow that easily. He holds your bare sides, squeezing, claw tips dancing along to a playful tune, pinching and rubbing. In your periphery, you can see Sun has decided to forego your efforts for a slower undress, shirt and pants chucked aside in a hurry, the reveal of a long, honey-hued tentacle co*ck, about half as thick as your forearm, lacking knots. Interesting. Well, not like you had any interest in children, anyway, to be honest. You had your hands full with these three immortals already.

You're crashed back from your musing when Eclipse takes the opportunity to catch the hemline of your pants, teasing them down. His expression is barely contained, finger threatening to poke holes in the fabric from his curling grip. Hm. With Sun being impatient and chomping at the bit for the lead, and Moon having the first strip, you suppose it was fair to let Eclipse claim the pants, even if he did get the first kiss the day you officially met. However, it would cost him a bit.

Finally allowing your mouths to lock, you grind down at that exact second. Eclipse jolts, unable to stop the mild snarl this time, smirking when you feel his arousal shifting beneath you. So they all had some form of tentacle. Good to know.

Parting for air, you glance back to find Moon is now also naked, starry white dick on full display, both of the younger brothers staring in rapture. Sun slicks long his length, unable to resist the sight, while Moon gorges his claws into the dirt, exuding jealousy. Juggling all three of them was going to be quite the conundrum with their possessive instincts.

Unwrapping an arm from around Eclipse's neck, you hold it out in invitation. Immediately, you're sandwiched between the brothers, Sun crawling along your rear, co*ck at the crack but not quite entering, plumping the thick of your ass with his hand. Moon claims your right side, tasting at your love handles, claws drawing beads of blood in your thigh, member resting atop it, the closest to your nethers, still covered by your underwear, which his tip plucks at.

Oh boy. Potential error made. Gotta fix your fumble on the reins. Pulling away from Eclipse, you go to turn to Moon, cut short at a sampling of your breast from Sun. Shooting him a look, Eclipse uses the distraction to lather you with a slow, lingering lick, digits curling into your hair and yanking the slightest to further expose your neck, taking a very long awaited proper sip that temporarily clouds your mind.

Breaking out of it with a scoffing snarl, you wrench away from Sun and Eclipse, toppling on Moon. Huffing indignantly, you spread your fingers along his torso, freezing him in place. You feel his tentacle slick at your entrance over the cotton, allowing it with a small moan that has him eating right out of the palm of your hand.

Spurned, you are aware of Sun and Eclipse looming behind you, Moon's high joined by a sh*t-eating grin. Tracing along Moon's oddly smooth skin, split between the flickering midnight blue and ebony black, a trace of silver dividing the middle, you gift Moon your next kiss. He claims it like a man starved, tongue thrashing and conquering, wanting to know every inch of you, wanting it to belong to him. Copper and iron mingle when he pierces your lower lip, absorbing your fluids eagerly.

"Little minx," Sun abruptly cuts in, tearing you away, a hiss of fury erupting from Moon. Roughly grabbing your chin, he tilts you chin, forcing you to stare him in the eye. "Don't think for a single second you get full control tonight. You're ours, just as much as we're yours. I would not advise pushing much further, or I might not be able to hold back."

The warning falls on ears already knowledgeable of this fact, something Sun picks up on right off the bat.

"Oh-ho-ho, you sly, brazen lynx," he rumbles, grin stretching to his clear snapping point. Well, there went your plans right out the window, you think, the next second involving Sun making your undies disappear, slamming into you with a feral snarl, arms pinned behind your back while you squeal in shock. The lack of build up brings tears to your eyes, but the rise of pleasure is rushed to join the pain.

"AH, SUN!" you cry, echoing out over the cliff, fingers flexing uselessly. You're not sure what Moon or Eclipse are doing, most likely watching, pouting and enjoying at the same time, but the brightest vampire gives you no spare second to worry yourself over them. Grip near bruising on your forearms, kissing, biting, suckling, and licking along your upper back and neck, Sun pounds into you with a dam of need finally burst.

"Our little hunter...mine...I'm going to make sure the world knows who you belong one will dare touch you again... My cunning little lynx, stubborn lioness, thinking they can play games with me... Going to enjoy exploring every inch of you," he purrs into your shoulder blade, the first org*sm hitting in a blinding light. Sun slows just a tad to let you feel it out, ramping up the instant he can to reach his own climax, sending you into a mess of whines and whimpers.

Your mind is so far outside the atmosphere by the time Sun is done you're not even aware of being moved into Eclipse's clutches, the eldest soothing you gently, whispering sweet poems into your ear again until you manage to land back on Earth. Blinking, you hazily look at him, grimacing at the mess you can feel you are, sticky and flushed, hair damp.

"I hope that was not too much, my nebula?" he inquires hushly. Taking a deep, shuddering breath in an effort to collect yourself, you shake your head.

"No, no," you promise, ignoring the slight crack resulting from your earlier noises. "Just...a wild first experience."

Eclipse pauses, gauging you for moment, a chuckle releasing when he reaches his conclusion. "Believe it or not, this is our first time too. Not exactly a lot of others willing to get close to a trio of arcane vampires."

Huh. Made sense, you guess. Still, you have the sneaking suspicion they prepped themselves for this night. They clearly weren't just shooting their shots in the dark. Yet another item on the list of things they'd gone out of their way to do for you, though you suppose it was also partially for themselves. You had not exactly mentioned going to this stage quite yet, but of course the vampires were ready to jump the gun. You sure as hell had no intention of complaining. That had felt good.

Speaking of...

A bit more coherent, you let yourself squirm on Eclipse, riling him up in a heartbeat. "So eager, the sky jewel is. Well, the ground can answer, pull you down for a little fun."

Your wrecked puss* sings out when Eclipse licks at your cl*t, pushing into your pleasantly aching nethers. You shake on a gasp, groaning sweetly, Eclipse's eyes flickering at the sound. He has you ride him, a steady but much less wild rhythm, savoring your blood, consuming your mouth in delicious kiss that leave you delirious, panting for oxygen. Your assessments of them were spot on, a hint of pride at your continued ability to read people returning, despite the years. A sword resharpening, now aiding in having weaponry of a different kind hilted on (in) you.

The org*sm builds, a symphony at Eclipse's control, co*ck playing at your g-spot in a manner that has you pleading under your breath, when he allows you to speak through the kisses. The eternal hunger in his orbs at your precious begging nearly makes you come apart right then and there. Holy sh*t, you really are in so deep.

Cresting together, you exchange the high keens and moans along each other's tongues, a leaf drifting on the wind when Eclipse begrudgingly lets Moon swipe you up next.

You briefly consider trying to regain a bit of control, but it's a little late for that now. For another time, perhaps, when they weren't tag teaming you. The first round for all is on you, apparently.

Instead of going straight for the rut, Moon spreads your thighs open, face dipping in to lick along your folds. You shudder, the vampire smirking before proceeding to enter, plundering your puss* with a gusto that causes you to arc and wriggle, sharp gasps accompanying low keens.

"Moon....Moon...," you murmur distantly, resulting in a violent lash upon your roof, twisting up on a wail. The lunar vampire's arousal starts to get the better of him, withdrawing and growling lightly. The chase now over, Moon thrusts into you, not quite as violent as Sun, but assuredly nowhere near the cordial approach of Eclipse.

Pumping in and out in rough slaps, Moon keeps your prediction train going, proceeding to gnaw and claw at every bare inch of skin he can find. Crimson trickles in small streams, the vampire consuming it in long, tantalizing licks, biting down on your breast and suckling so hard you howl, rising to collide with him. His claws take the opportunity to slip into your mouth, stroking at your tongue while Moon lets out a pleased rumble, spittle pooling from the action as he grins devilishly at the warmth of your mouth around his digits.

Panting, you can feel another climax approaching, Moon's salacious expression dropping into more feral territory when your walls press in on him. Sliding the fingers free, he trails the gathered spit down to your nethers, inserting the two fingers to rub along your cl*t while his other hand swallows your hip, using it to help thrust you on him.

With an earsplitting moan, you org*sm, rocking through it alongside Moon, his claws scoring your ass. Dropping into drunk messes, Moon cradles you close, adoring your abused flesh in kisses. "Mine...mine...ours...," the lunar vampire adds as more of an afterthought.

Crashing from the peak, you contemplate your lovers through squinted lids. They recover far faster, completely expected, to be fair, a fact that kinda nags at you regardless. Maybe you didn't manage to remain in control the whole time, but there was still one thing you could do that might help your skewed footing.

Grunting, you force shaky legs to rise just long enough to reach the solar-themed brothers, sitting near each other. Interest sparks when you kneel in front of Eclipse, grasping his garnet red member. It reacts with a twitch, slick and cum making it easy to play with when you slide it into your mouth. This time, the pace is all yours, peering up to watch the eldest being fidget and squirm, face tinting a fiery hue, kneading at the grass while you twirl your tongue around it, working it deep before receding, occasionally extracting it for a teasing series of pecks before going back inside.

Eventually, you taste the flavor of dark chocolate and cinnamon, a rich, spicy combination that dribbles down you chin when you finally move on. Sun has been burning a whole into your back with his stare, but he's about to learn that doesn't mean he'll get his way every time.

Letting Eclipse recuperate, you crawl up along Sun's legs, starting with a long peck and a nibble, half-lidded eyes regarding his own orbs twitching in agitation with heavy amusem*nt.

You make sure to take it at an extra languid pace, remaining vigilant of any action Sun makes to grip your head and start round two. However, a quick bite and muffled tut have him gritting his fangs, a whine getting shoved back into the recesses within him. Poor boy, so desperate for his usual control of a room in an actual social setting. To think, the one who's most accustomed to people would be the one you'd have to restrain.

His release reminds you of Cactus Cooler, a sweet tang hosting a fruity acidic edge. Departing, you give him a peck as gratitude for not going ham again, moving to Moon, whom lays propped up with a lust-drunk smile.

Offering one in return, you absorb his length without much ado, a small treat for being the most cooperative with you tonight. Suckling, puckering, licking, nipping, you shower his appendage with seemingly a literal mind of its own with your passion. Moon groans and writhes under you, rapidly reaching his limit, elderberry on rose coating your tongue.

Flopping back on the now heavily mussed picnic cloth, you let out a weary sigh. "Wow, what a night. You boys sure know how to sure someone a good time," you buzz aloud, chuckling. The vampires jump at the chance to surround you, Moon cuddling you from behind, arms wrapping around to your chest, Sun in front of you, curling his digits into the back of your thighs, while Eclipse lifts your head from above, laying it on his chest.

"We hope so," Moon chitters, brushing aside your soaked bangs.

"Will have to show our little hunter extra care tomorrow, maybe give them a bath...," Sun proposes, tone stitched in excitement. Oh boy, privacy at bath time was gonna be a whole thing from now on, wasn't it? Ah, well. You knew what you were getting into taking this courtship seriously.

"For now, a bit of rest. Don't wanna drive our sweet stardust into complete exhaustion too soon," Eclipse insists, making sure you're comfortable in your position.

Their words are so sweet, but they do give you pause about something you've been meaning to bring up, even as your brain begins fog up from the loss of energy, plus being surprisingly cozy between the three naked vampires.

"You guys know you can depend on me, too, right?" you throw out with a yawn, settling in deeper, lids slipping close. "If you ever need anything, just talk to me. It'll be so nice to have that again..."

The last part is an unintentional statement released into the air, resulting in exchanged glances.

"Of course, comet. We'll be sure to keep that in mind. Now, get some sleep. You've earned it," Eclipse mutters, giving your forehead a peck. Not to be left out, Sun and Moon copy him before settling back into their places.

Right. Sleep. That sounded really good, actually. The lack of nightmares almost scared you recently, but here, like this, it wasn't so bad. Trust was a delicate thing, but the vampires had earned it, and more. Content in that knowledge, you drift off into oblivion, feeling completely safe for the first time in years.

Never Play Cat and Mouse With Vampires - Chapter 3 - BlueMoon_13_31 (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.